Jugglefest 31
Feb 21-23, 2025
Austin, Texas

See the Jugglefest page for more information about the fest (location, cost, main schedule)

Friday Workshops

Time       Name Location       Description
7pm 3-Ball Jam Session Gym Come on over to learn and share a plethora of 3-ball juggling tricks. ALL LEVELS
8pm Club Passing Icebreaker Gym Bring your clubs and get to know other passers! Every time the whistle blows, we'll change partners. ALL LEVELS

Saturday Workshops

Time     Name Location       Description
11am Intro to 3 Ball Juggling Zone 1 Learn how to juggle 3 balls. We'll have plenty of props to share. ALL LEVELS
11am Poi Juggling Weight Room Curtis will demonstrate how to juggle the no beats cascade with poi. ALL LEVELS
Noon Street Performing Zone 1 Come for Chris' wild tales, but stay for his helpful tips about busking. ALL LEVELS
Noon Contact Juggling Basics Weight Room Valerie will share the essentials of contact juggling, focusing mainly on body rolls and stall points, with some basic isolation moves. ALL LEVELS
2pm Slinky Manipulation 101 Weight Room Come learn how to turn a regular ol’ rainbow slinky into a mesmerizing, magical energy beam that will keep you entertained all night long (and beyond)! ALL LEVELS
3pm Hoop Juggling Zone 1 Join Jasmine and learn how to juggle hoops! ALL LEVELS
3pm Sprung Rolls Weight Room Want to learn sprung rolls and throws with balls? Trevor will teach you how! ALL LEVELS
4pm Body Rolls Zone 1 Join V to learn about body rolls with clubs and other props. ALL LEVELS
4pm Amazing Performance Weight Room Improve your performance with these battle-tested tips from David DiMuzio. ALL LEVELS
5pm Hoop Manipulation Zone 1 Throw, twirl, flip, and spin hoops in a variety of dazzling combinations! ALL LEVELS
5pm Outside-the-Box Ideas with 3 Clubs Weight Room Prepare yourself to learn 10 wild 3-club tricks! ALL LEVELS

Sunday Workshops

Time     Name     Location     Description    
11am Intro to Diabolo Zone 1 Learn how to spin a diabolo, throw it in the air, and (maybe) catch it! We'll have plenty of props to share. ALL LEVELS
11am Floor Play Weight Room This is a sit-down, no-gravity workshop where siteswap meets patty cake. ALL LEVELS
Noon Butterfly Kick for Beginners Zone 1 Join Mo for an exciting, beginner-friendly workshop where you'll learn the fundamentals of the butterfly kick — A dynamic martial arts and tricking move known for its smooth, flowing motion and aesthetic appeal. ALL LEVELS
Noon May the Forks be With You Weight Room Discover new 3-ball forks tricks with Trevor. There is no spoon, only fork... ALL LEVELS
1pm Soccer Freestyle Zone 1 Cory will share some sweet freestyle soccer moves. ALL LEVELS
1pm Baton Twirling Meets Juggling Weight Room Cody will introduce you to baton twirling with 1 and 2-baton fundamentals, then take these basics and incorporate them into 3-baton juggling. ALL LEVELS


  • Do I need to register for a workshop in advance?
    Nope, you just need to show up.
  • Do I need to bring my own equipment?
    For the most part, yes. We'll try to have a few extra sets of gear, but it will be first come, first serve.
  • Is there an extra charge for the workshops?
    No. Workshop admission is included in the purchase of a Weekend Wristband.
  • Where will the workshops be taught?
    Unless otherwise noted, all workshops will be taught in one of the two workshop rooms (doorway is in the back corner of the gym). The first room you'll walk into is Room 1. If you go through the door on the other side of the first room, you'll be in the weight room, which is Room 2.