Texas Juggling Society Jugglefest XIX
February 24-26, 2012
Austin, Texas

Celebrating its 19th year, Jugglefest is a three-day event full of workshops, games, demonstrations, and shows featuring juggling, unicycling, and related circus arts. Everyone is welcome to come on down to pick up the basics, learn some new tricks, meet some crazy people or just chill out and watch.

Jugglefest 19 is happening on February 24, 25, and 26, 2012. We've got a BRAND NEW LOCATION this year - the Texas School for the Deaf! Located at 1102 South Congress Avenue, TSD has a great gym, plenty of parking spots, and is curiously close to a ton of delicious restaurants.

  1. The Festival happens Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We are going to rock your world with over 20 hours of workshops, games, door prizes, trick trading, vendors, a silent auction, and more!
  2. The Renegade Show happens on Friday night. Got a new trick you want to share? Sign up to perform on the open stage!
  3. The Public Show happens on Saturday night, and we're pulling out all the stops! We'll be showcasing performers from Austin and all over the world as they demonstrate their skills in the circus arts. Unicycles, yo-yos, diabolos, poi, juggling - Come on down and check out the best family friendly show in Austin!

$15 gets you an all-access wristband, covering all three days of the Festival, plus both shows!

Check out the Jugglefest Schedule of Events!

Need a place to crash? Check out our Jugglefest Housing Page.

Check out the Jugglefest 2012 poster.

If you have questions or need more details, please contact us.

More details coming soon. In the meantime, check out last year's Jugglefest 18 Public Show trailer from Alan Plotkin.

Whoah! Check out this amazing quilt, made from past Jugglefest tshirts, handcrafted by Jeanette Dean. Even cooler, it will be up for grabs in our Silent Auction! Quilt

* Sponsors

  • Terra Toys - A local Austin store carrying toys and games for all ages.
  • Juggling Thingies - The best custom handmade juggling balls in the known universe!
  • Flying Clipper - Great Juggling bags and footbags
  • Dube - Clubs, diabolos, knives, torches and so much more!
  • Renegade - Makers of fine juggling equipment. Jeremy will have a set of fathead clubs if you want to try them, ask at the front desk.

A special thank you goes out to the Friends of the Forest Foundation, better known as Eeyore's Birthday Party, for a generous donation that is helping make Jugglefest possible!

* Special Guests

* The Festival

21 hours of workshops, games, door prizes, trick trading, and more! To check out the schedule of events, click here.

  • Friday, February 24; 5 pm - 10 pm
  • Saturday, February 25; 10 am - 6 pm
  • Sunday, February 26; 10 am - 6 pm
  • $15 Admission - All-access wristband, covering all three days of the Festival, plus both shows!
    Cash or check only, no credit cards

Texas School for the Deaf - View Larger Map

* The Renegade Show

Join us Friday night for an open stage, hosted by Jim Mackenzie - you never know what kind of zany hijinks will ensue!

  • Friday, February 24, 10:30 pm
  • FREE for everyone!
  • Note: Most content won't be suitable for children. Other content won't be suitable for anyone at all. Bring extra groans and your clapping hands.

Ruta Maya Coffee House - View Larger Map

Cultural Arts Division

* The Public Show

On Saturday night we're pulling out all the stops! We'll be showcasing performers from Austin and all over the world as they demonstrate their skills in the circus arts. Unicycles, yo-yos, diabolos, poi, juggling - there's no telling what's going to happen next. Come on down and check out the best family friendly show in Austin!

  • Saturday, Feb. 25, 7:30pm
  • $5 Admission (Free for 5 and under!)
    Cash or check only, no credit cards

This project is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin's future. Visit Austin at NowPlayingAustin.com.

* Festival Games

We will have a ridiculous amount of games, spread across all three days. Check the schedule when you arrive to make sure you don't miss any of your favorites!

  • NEW FOR 2012 - Joggling!
  • NEW FOR 2012 - Unicycle Races!
  • NEW FOR 2012 - Huggling!
  • Coin Juggling - Juggle three or more coins of at least 75 cents total face value longer than everyone else. When you drop, you must drop all your coins on the ground. The last person juggling is the winner, and gets to keep all the coins, but must also pick them up by themself.
  • Four-Club Endurance - Juggle longer than everyone else. Everyone starts at the same time. When you drop, you're out. The last person juggling is the winner. No multiplexing!
  • Five-Ball Endurance - Juggle longer than everyone else. Everyone starts at the same time. When you drop, you're out. The last person juggling is the winner. No multiplexing!
  • Speed Passing - TEAM EVENT - A team of two jugglers passes six clubs as fast as they can. There are two heats of one minute each. The average score of the two heats determines the winning team.
  • Seven-Club Endurance - TEAM EVENT - A team of two jugglers passes seven clubs longer than everyone else. Everyone starts at the same time. When either team member drops, the team is out. The last team juggling is the winner.
  • Three Ball Simon Says - Simon says "Do the tricks that Simon says to do, and don't do the tricks that he doesn't!"
  • Diabolo Bucket Toss - If you can get it spinning, you can play this game. Be warned: it's harder than it looks!
  • Club Gathering - Catch and hold as many clubs as you can, as thrown by Gamesmeister, Jerry Peterson. He will throw double spins at a constant rate to each competitor. The one who holds the most clubs without dropping wins.

* Festival Workshops

We've got a ton of workshops lined up for Jugglefest, and they are open to all attendees (no additional fees, no need to sign up beforehand). Please check the schedule on the wall when you arrive to find out the time and room assignment for each workshop.

  • Intro to Diabolo - Jeremy Frank and Friends
  • Hula Hoop - Caterina Suttin and Ciara Blossom
  • Club Tricks - Jesse Castro, Chris
  • Intermediate Ball Juggling - Scott Kurland and Friends
  • Bounce Juggling - David Nayer
  • Acrobalance - Kelsey, Noah, Dao and Friends
  • Hats - Amanda and Thom
  • Floorplay - Bekah Smith
  • Diabolo Jam Session - Jeremy Frank and Friends
  • 3 Club Replacements - Chris, Will
  • Foot Bag - Jorden Moir
  • Comedic Performance - Jim Mackenzie
  • Freestyle Form - Drew Brown
  • Poi - Nick Pryde

Thanks to Paul and place.org for giving our page a home!
Send Questions or Comments to juggler@place.org
UT Austin
This web page is published by the Texas Juggling Society, a registered student organization at the University of Texas at Austin.
This page is not an official publication of the University of Texas at Austin, and does not represent the views of the University or its officers.